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Local labor laws - PayNorthwest resource for employers

We are starting to see a new wave of laws and regulations asserting employee rights and extending benefits. The Affordable Care Act is the most obvious example of this at the federal level, as well as stepped up enforcement of the long standing Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). However, an important new trend with a twist is starting to emerge. Municipalities are now getting into the act and creating their own local labor laws as well as a whole new layer of complexity for employers to navigate -and the trend is only just getting started.

Back in 2012 the City of Seattle enacted it’s own Sick Leave Ordinance: (Seattle Paid Sick and Safe Time Ordinance)

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Common Payroll Errors: How to Avoid Them

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Common Payroll Errors: How to Avoid Them

We all make mistakes. However, when it comes to processing payroll even small errors run the risk of legal consequences and can cause damage to your...

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5 Benefits of Cloud Payroll Solutions

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5 Benefits of Cloud Payroll Solutions

Many businesses still use manual paper payroll processes and outdated spreadsheets. Sometimes it can be hard to see the benefits of cloud payroll....

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