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Governor Inslee Announces Contact Tracing Initiative

Governor Inslee Announces Contact Tracing Initiative

On May 12, Washington Governor Jay Inslee announced a plan that will allow more businesses to open and more people to be active in public while still slowing and preventing the spread of COVID-19. From Governor Inslee:

“Contact tracing is another tool in our toolbox for tackling COVID-19 in Washington. While we need to continue physical distancing, this will allow us to get a better handle on who gets sick and how the virus is spread, which is vital to re-opening our economy.”

As part the effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, individuals who test positive for the virus will be contacted via phone by a member of the statewide contact tracing team. The interviewer will ask who that person has been in close contact with, and will reach out to those individuals to let them know that they may have been exposed. 

Upon learning of a positive COVID-19 test, quick access to an individual’s potential close contacts and those contacts’ information is vital to controlling the spread of the virus. Employers are able to identify close contacts using PayNorthwest’s Time and Labor Management capabilities and deploying this technology safeguards employees and business operations. Learn more about contact tracing from PayNorthwest

Read more about Washington’s contact tracing initiative from Governor Inslee

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